Parent ICT Guidance
Essential reading
An introduction to our Learning Platforms (video)
Filtering your home internet connection
Family Sharing Explained (external site)
Online Safety Hub – Safeguarding Board for
Northern Ireland
Our learning platforms
This is our virtual learning environment. It can be accessed on any internet connected device by visiting
Students should log in using their Legacy username and password.
On WHSCampus we have a course for students with further information on how to make the best use of these facilities.
Google Classroom
Some classes will use Google Classroom for submitting work and completing lessons. This can be accessed at or using the Google Classroom app on the iPad.
Internet Safety
e-Safety is an important aspect of ICT use at Wallace High School. Training is provided to students through the Programming course taught in Years 8 and 9, with focus on staying safe while online. It is also covered at a whole school level through the Personal Development program provided in assemblies and the Pastoral period each week. Children need parental supervision and common-sense advice in order that their experiences whilst on-line are happy, healthy, and productive. Children need to conduct independent actions in order to develop, however, they still need parental involvement and supervision (direct and indirect) in their daily lives if security is to be maintained. Therefore, the same general parenting skills that apply to the “real world” also apply while on-line.
Internet : Guidance For Parents
- Stay in touch with what your children are doing by spending time with them whilst they are on-line, i.e. make on-line time a family activity; make sure that you know the services your child uses.
- Find out what types of information and services are offered and whether there are ways for parents to protect their child.
- Keep the computer in a family room rather than a child’s bedroom.
- Learn yourself about how to access the services – ask your child to explain the services to you;go on-line yourself so that you are familiar with and understand the potential benefits and risks associated with Internet access.
- If you don’t know how to log on, get your child to show you.
- Seek out the advice and counsel of other local Internet users and become familiar with the appropriate systems;
- Get to know your child’s ‘on-line friends’ just as you do their other friends.
- If you are concerned about your child’s on-line activities, talk to them about it;
- Develop an agreed set of ‘Family Internet Rules’
SWGfL Website 
SWGfl provides useful concise guides on setting up and using a large variety of social media platforms as well as answers to various questions that you may have.
Safer Schools NI App

The digital world is 24/7; it’s outside and inside of the school gates, so you need a service that does the same. Safer Schools NI is a digital library of age-appropriate safeguarding resources that you can check out anytime, from your phone to your computer to your classroom.
When you need information about online safety, whether that be the latest gaming buzzwords doing the rounds in the playground, or keeping up to speed with the most recent risks on platforms like TikTok, Roblox, Snapchat and more, your Safer Schools App can help!
Safer Schools NI setup instructions
Online Safety Hub
Every child deserves to feel safe and happy online and to be able to explore their online spaces and places safely, knowledgeably and without fear. This is the priority and the vision of the Northern Ireland Executive’s Online Safety Strategy.

The Online Safety Hub brings together the latest advice for young people, families and professionals to help promote child safety online. It’s maintained by INEQE Safeguarding Group and is updated with the latest resources and advice from many members and partners.
The Hub is free to access and it provides information and signposting to support services if help is needed. It has advice on a range of online safety topics including gaming, screen time, sharing nudes, online bullying, pornography, privacy and safety setting, online blackmail and much more.
Related Links :
NSPCC Share Aware
Internet Safety for Kids (CyberGhost)
Internet Watch Foundation
ICO guide to Online Safety
Family Lives
Child Exploitation and Online Protection command
Please note : Wallace High School is not responsible for the content of any external website. If any of the links do not work or the site has changed please let us know.