As the first month at Wallace High School came to a close, the Class of 2031 embarked on an eagerly awaited tradition—Adventure Day. This annual event, a cornerstone of the Year...
As the academic year draws to a close, we can reflect on the incredible achievements and success of the Computing Department here at Wallace. This was a busy year with the pupils...
At Wallace High School, we pride ourselves on providing a supportive, engaging, and enjoyable induction programme for our Year 8 as they begin a new chapter as part of the Wallace...
A Glorious First Term for Boys’ Hockey at Wallace! The Wallace Boys’ Hockey Club have enjoyed a dream first term. This included the 1st XI winning the Irish Schools’...
As the first term for our new Year 8 cohort ended, we could reflect on a fun-filled and engaging induction programme. Last term our Year 8 students had the opportunity to engage...
Wallace High School has embarked upon the second year of delivering Enterprise Education, both within and outside the classroom. At Wallace High School, we take a broad definition...
As the first month at Wallace High School drew to an end for the Class of 2030, they embarked on one of the annual highlights for any Year 8 student, Year 8 Adventure Day. This...
At Wallace High School, we pride ourselves on providing a supportive, engaging, and enjoyable induction programme for our Year 8 as they begin a new chapter as part of the Wallace...
The English Department enjoyed a highly successful end to a busy term in June. Twenty five young people picked up awards at the Lisburn Arts Advisory Gala, with Wallace lifting...
As the school year draws to a close and Project Based Learning begins, Year 8 enjoyed a fun prelude to PBL fortnight. Thanks to the generosity of the PTA and school who co-funded...