Charity Tag Archive

Multi-coloured paint banishes the Covid blues!

2020-2021 was sadly all too similar to 2019-2020 in terms of school life. Not only did we miss a term in school of face to face teaching and learning, we also missed companionship...

Wallace High School Supports Thank You Day

After twelve long months, the end of lockdown is finally in sight. It’s been an experience that has tested everyone. But from the beginning, we’ve been helping each other...

Red Nose Day- Charity Catch Up

Although we haven’t been at school for a term we haven’t been idle in raising awareness of charities both at home and overseas. Between September and December 2020 you helped...

Compassion in a pandemic

It is one of the greatest tragedies of the pandemic that charities, working alongside the needy and vulnerable, have been amongst those hit hardest. Major fundraising events have...

A December Challenge- Dander to Delhi!

Can you channel your inner Captain Tom? Will you walk for hope? Wallace has been involved with the charity Asha, which works with slum-dwellers in New Delhi, since 2014 whilst our...

Pudsey, poppies and World Kindness Day

Who would ever thought that World Kindness Day would fall on Friday 13th? Suddenly, a date which sounds like a dodgy “horror flick” this year became associated with a much...

Asha Update

( We appreciate that some readers will be experiencing economic hardships and that our wider Wallace family has already donated generously to our visor appeal. Equally, we are...

Food bank manager’s message “ Don’t struggle alone.”

Wallace former pupil Lynsey Agnew and current manager of the Lisburn Foodbank based in Graham Gardens has spoken of a “ phenomenal growth in the use of the service.” In a...

Wallace’s legacy charity Asha continues to bring hope to Delhi slums

Like Ireland, India is battling Covid-19 and the message is the same there as here. Stay safe. Stay home. The message is the same. The circumstances could not be more different....

Helping the needy during the pandemic

Former Wallace pupil Lynsey Agnew (Foodbank Manager) has clear evidence of the economic impact of Covid19 on our local community. In March 2019 the foodbank, based in Graham...