Student Leadership at Wallace High School

Student Leadership: Building a Culture of Commitment, Opportunity, Respect, and Excellence

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At Wallace High School, we believe in empowering our students to take on leadership roles that reflect our core values of commitment, opportunity, respect, and excellence. Through various leadership opportunities provided through our Mentor Scheme, our students grow into responsible, compassionate, and confident individuals ready to make a difference within and beyond our school community.

The Value of Commitment

Leadership at Wallace High begins with a strong sense of commitment. Our student leaders and mentors demonstrate dedication in their respective roles, contributing not only to their personal growth but to the broader school environment. Whether it’s leading a sports team to victory, organising library resources, or representing their peers, each young person commits to their responsibilities with passion and focus.

  • Sport Mentors: The sport mentors embody commitment by leading their teams with discipline and resilience. They inspire their peers both on and off the field. They support the work of our coaches by helping to train younger students and inspire the next generation of Wallace athletes.
  • iLeaders: Our iLeaders dedicate their time to supporting technology initiatives, ensuring that both students and staff are equipped to navigate the digital landscape effectively.
  • House Prefects and House Reps: Our House Prefects and House Reps show their commitment to the school community through leading House activities and encouraging their peers in various competitions throughout the year.

The Value of Opportunity

We offer numerous opportunities for students to step into leadership roles, recognising that each leader and mentor brings a unique skill set. These roles allow students to develop their talents while positively influencing their peers.

  • Music Mentors: Music mentors showcase the importance of creative expression and teamwork, conducting ensembles, and leading school performances. They develop the musical talents of our younger students by helping with choirs and supporting our various music groups.
  • Drama Mentors: In drama, student mentors help support and nurture young talent in the Junior Drama Club. Their hard work allows students to further their artistic endeavours.
  • Prep Mentors: Our students are given the chance to lead and support our Preparatory Department through classroom and playground roles. Prep mentors help support staff and run activities for the youngest members of the school community.

The Value of Respect

Respect is a cornerstone of effective leadership, and our students learn to lead by example, promoting mutual respect and understanding within the school.

  • Pastoral Mentors: These students are at the heart of ensuring emotional well-being, fostering a respectful and caring school environment. They help mentor younger students and provide support to class tutors and pastoral teams.
  • Library Mentors: As custodians of knowledge, library mentors respect and uphold the importance of learning, helping fellow students access resources and develop a love for reading. They help to ensure a peaceful and relaxing environment for students at break and lunch.
  • Numeracy and Literacy Mentors: Through their roles, these mentors respect the diverse learning needs of their peers, providing support and encouragement in mastering key academic skills. They share their knowledge and understanding with younger students while also providing a supportive learning environment.
  • Period Dignity Mentors: These mentors take the initiative in promoting respect for personal dignity, ensuring equitable access to hygiene products and breaking down stigma. They work hard to ensure this important service is available to all.

The Value of Excellence

Excellence is an expectation for all our leaders and mentors at Wallace. In every role, our students strive to perform to the best of their abilities, setting high standards for themselves and others.

  • Senior Prefect Team: The senior prefect team exemplifies excellence in leadership, serving as role models across the school and ensuring smooth operations at events and in daily activities. To find out more about these hardworking students, please access the link below:

The Senior Prefect Team

  • Wellness Committee: Focused on student well-being, the wellness committee leads initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle and mental well-being, striving for excellence in supporting peers’ emotional and physical health.
  • Modern Languages, Geography, and Charity Committee Members: These student leaders and mentors bring global perspectives to the school, organising events that raise awareness and funds for causes, and promoting an understanding of diverse cultures and environments.
  • Lost Property Mentors: Though often overlooked, lost property mentors ensure the efficient return of items, reflecting their commitment to orderliness as well as our goal of achieving a more sustainable future at Wallace.

At Wallace High, student leadership is not just about holding a title—it’s about living out the values of commitment, opportunity, respect, and excellence every day. Our student leaders take on their roles with integrity, shaping a vibrant and supportive community that benefits everyone. Through their service, they learn the true meaning of leadership: to inspire, support, and elevate those around them.

To find out more about life in Wallace High and the opportunities available, please follow us on Instagram at

Last modified: October 9, 2024