Best Wallace memory
My time at Wallace was very memorable in more ways than one. I met some of my best friends there and the teachers and staff at Wallace provided me with not just an excellent education but also invaluable skills and values that set me up for the next chapter in my life. The best memory I have from my time at Wallace was taking the Schools’ 1st XV to the final of the Schools’ Cup, this was the culmination of 7 years of hard work with my teammates. Another memory that stands out was the charity trip to India where a team of fourteen of us worked with the charity ASHA in Mayapuri Slum, New Delhi. This was a truly humbling and unforgettable experience.

What values do you think the school taught?
Wallace is a big community for everyone from Year 8 to Year 14. From an academic point of view, I developed persistence regarding my studies – not everything is going to go your way at the first hurdle! In addition, self-discipline and responsibility are very important to any young student and these two key values will ensure you stay on top of your schoolwork. Being skilled at working in a team is hugely beneficial for not only the sporting field but also in many professional careers. My time playing rugby at Wallace developed my teamwork skills extensively.
What are the greatest challenges and joys of your life at present?
I have my fair share of challenges in my life at present but also many joys. Balancing a rugby union career with an undergraduate degree in Law at Queen’s University Belfast can be very challenging but also very rewarding. To be able to get paid for playing a sport that you love and representing your home province and country is a great privilege. Another massive challenge for me is to stay injury free, unfortunately much of last season I spent out injured. To stay on top of this I must ensure that my nutrition, fitness, and wellness remain at an elite level.

Advice to 11-year-old self
Take every opportunity that comes your way! Before entering The Wallace High School I was quite reserved and afraid of the unknowns that lay ahead of me. Without encouragement from my parents and teachers, I would not have tried my hand at as many sports and extra-curricular activities as I did! Rugby, cricket, hockey, athletics to name just a few. Personally, I did not have a musical bone in my body! Do not wait on others to encourage you like I did… throw yourself in the deep end and you will be grateful for it years down the line.
What do you regard as your greatest achievements to date?
First and foremost, my greatest achievement to date is to captain my country in the U20 Six Nations’ Rugby Championship. This would not have been possible without support from my family, friends, and coaches at both school and provincial level. Before securing a contract with Ulster Rugby, I had a place at the University of Nottingham to study Veterinary Medicine. However, instead I chose to complement my sports career with a law degree at Queen’s University Belfast.
Last modified: February 28, 2022