In recent years Wallace has enjoyed great success in the First Lego League competitions with one team even travelling in pre-Covid times to the USA to represent Northern Ireland. Our winning streak has continued with a recent triumph at the Belfast Regional Competition held at W5. Students from Years 9, 11 and 12 attended and won the event adding to our proud tally of victories. The competition involved programming a robot to complete certain tasks; depending on the complexity of the tasks points are awarded to each team. Students are also required to create and deliver a presentation in front of a panel of judges so the competition really tests a variety of skills.
Wallace topped the table of 17 teams and our students have been invited to the International Open in August. They have matched the performance of the 2021 team as in 2021 our students were the Northern Ireland winners in the competition which was a virtual event. They subsequently represented Northern Ireland at the virtual United Kingdom final, coming a highly creditable second, gaining the honour of representing Northern Ireland in the 2021 Asia Pacific Virtual Open Championships.
Teacher in charge, Mr Tim Gibson, was delighted with the team’s performance noting:
“A big thank you to NIE for supporting us this year and for Network Strategy Graduate Engineer Kellie Cowan for taking time to mentor our team in the past few months. It’s been a great experience for everybody involved.”

Last modified: March 24, 2022