
Leading in Student Voice: Empowering Students Through Our CORE Values

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At Wallace High School, we believe that empowering students to express their thoughts and opinions is central to fostering a positive school environment. Through active participation in student leadership roles, our students take the lead in shaping school policies, promoting well-being, and ensuring that every voice is heard. Our student voice initiatives are driven by our core values of Commitment, Opportunity, Respect, and Excellence.

Year Group Councils (Years 8-14)

Each year group has its own council, consisting of two students from each class set, who meet regularly to discuss and address issues relevant to their peers. These students are dedicated to listening to the concerns of their classmates and bringing them forward to school leaders, ensuring that every student feels heard. These councils are led by the Assistant Head of Year for each year group. Students involved in the councils are committed to representing their peers and working towards improving the school community. Years 8-14 councils select two representatives from each year group to bring their views to the Executive Student Council.

Executive Student Council

This council, comprising representatives from each year group, embodies commitment at the highest level. Working closely with the Principal and other school leaders, they address school-wide issues, advocate for student needs, and ensure that decisions reflect the voice of the student body. The Executive Council focuses on whole-school matters and brings forward ideas and suggestions from each year group. This year, their whole-school initiative is sustainability and our continued drive towards reducing our carbon footprint. The Executive Council then reports back to each year group on what has been discussed and the actions being taken.

Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee provides students with the opportunity to shape school initiatives related to mental health and well-being. These students advocate for a healthier, more balanced school life and ensure that students’ emotional needs are addressed. Led by Mrs Davison, this group receives mental health training and provides mentoring for students who need support. They also share positive strategies to help students cope with anxiety and regularly survey the student population to identify areas that need to be addressed.

Senior Prefect Team

The Senior Prefects lead by example, taking on responsibilities that allow them to contribute to school life at all levels. Through organising events, assisting with daily operations, and mentoring younger students, they create opportunities for others to have their voices heard and needs met. They meet weekly with the Principal to raise and discuss matters important to the whole school population.

The Secondary Students’ Union of Northern Ireland (SSUNI)

We are delighted to have five students representing Wallace in the Secondary Students’ Union of Northern Ireland (SSUNI). The SSUNI is an organisation that allows students to engage with a wide range of issues alongside representatives from other schools. SSUNI inspires our ambassadors to take student voice beyond Wallace and help tackle some of the major challenges facing young people today. As part of working groups, they are currently being consulted on their views about the future of education, mental health, modern languages, and skills in education. They will also develop important skills in advocacy and public speaking.

Find out more about SSUNI via the link below:


Leading in student voice at Wallace is not just about raising concerns—it’s about taking initiative, making positive change, and ensuring that every student has a voice in shaping the school’s future. Through their commitment, respect, pursuit of opportunity, and striving for excellence, our student leaders are paving the way for a school environment where every individual is heard and valued. Together, they are building a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and continuous improvement.

Find out more about the leadership role for our students via the link below:

Last modified: October 22, 2024