Habitat for Humanity’s staff member Pete Graham was recently reunited with the Change Makers 2022-2023 team to receive a cheque from the Wallace team members who were delighted to have reached their target of £1200. The school first joined forces with the charity a decade ago when a team of students headed to Mulanje, Malawi to help build houses.
The charity currently works in over 70 countries world-wide and is very effective in reacting to changing circumstances; Habitat for Humanity was very swift to respond to the crisis created by the war in Ukraine and has been assisting Ukrainian refugees who fled to Poland. They also run a Restore shop in Lisburn, providing much needed second hand items that many of us take for granted, yet are sorely needed in our community.
Habitat for Humanity
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic Wallace students had enjoyed the challenge of participation in the Change Makers programme so we were delighted when the scheme opened up again in 2022-23. The project focuses on poverty, inequality, social justice and active citizenship.
Change Makers has been a core component of the charities shared education programme, which has been operating for over 20 years.

The now Year 14 students took part in two training days in Wallace, worked at the Habitat ReStore in Lisburn for a day and planned a number of fundraising events.
Here the team learnt and developed key skills in relation to working with others, dealing with the public and the important role that locally based charities play in our community. This programme provided a unique opportunity for our young people to engage in community outreach.
The team had the privilege of holding the first Bake Sales since February 2020 (coincidentally it was also a Habitat for Humanity fundraiser) and proved themselves worthy of approval by Dame Mary Berry herself! Meticulous attention to detail and seasonal flair characterised the work of the team as they produced spooky creations for Halloween and Valentine themed treats later in the year.
During the Valentines week, funds were also raised via are very own messaging service, spreading joy and happiness to those who received a surprise gift! Other events included a well-attended film night during the festive Christmas period and a well-supported raffle.

Programme organiser, Mr Pete Graham was delighted with the team’s commitment and the funds raised. He noted that some team members had even volunteered for additional duties at the Christmas pop up toy sales, which reflects the giving nature of these young people.
For the students involved the project was a fantastic opportunity to become more aware of life outside of Wallace High and the impact that small changes can have on our community. Our cohort rose to the challenge that this programme brings. It requires dedication, meticulous organisation and a real drive to make every event a success.
Our team of twelve described the programme as “inspiring”, “ fun”, “empowering”, “ something I feel proud to have completed” and “something that genuinely encouraged me to think differently”. The team were unanimous in viewing the project as immensely worthwhile. Well done to all involved.

The funds raised will be well spent in the local community to help make everyone home a safe home.
Principal, Mrs Deborah O’Hare said:
“ I am delighted with the successful completion of our Change Makers challenge with Habitat for Humanity and with our renewed involvement with the charity. Congratulations to all involved. The skills developed, not least of positive teamwork, will be invaluable in later life and I’m also proud that some members of the team participated in additional volunteering with the charity.”
Links : Habitat for Humanity
Last modified: October 6, 2023