It is one of the greatest tragedies of the pandemic that charities, working alongside the needy and vulnerable, have been amongst those hit hardest. Major fundraising events have been cancelled but many charities are still attempting to provide activities, care, facilities and support to those who still need their aid.
Prior to the introduction of the current lockdown we finished the Christmas term with a much enjoyed Christmas Jumper day with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army Christmas appeal, Simon Community NI and our legacy charity Cancer Fund for Children. Wallace Y13 students were involved with the Habitat for Humanity programme ChangeMakers prior to the March lockdown and homelessness and poverty were the themes of some amazing art work by A2 student Anna Boyles. The A2 French class study a novel on the theme of homelessness and with the aid of Miss Pam Brown they provided a very reflective assembly on homelessness and the young in Northern Ireland.

Individual students are often passionate in their desire to help others and Year 8 student Lucy Deans has lost her locks in the lockdown! Lucy donated a very substantial portion of her hair to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which is involved with the free provision of high-quality real hair wigs for children and young people up to the age of 24.
Head of Year 8 Mrs Gillian Carson said:
“I am so proud of Lucy and so moved by her compassion for others. In such a difficult time for everyone it is heart- warming to know that our pupils are still thinking of others. Her new hairstyle looks very chic and I’m sure the recipient of Lucy’s hair will be so grateful for the gift.”
Lucy raised over £800 for the charity which is a wonderful total!

We hope to run a Valentine themed event in aid of Aware NI (donation to Lisburn branch) which supports young people with mental health problems and our legacy charity Asha which is supporting some of the world’s poorest citizens in the slums of New Delhi, India. Details will be sent by parent mail in early February and prizes include Valentine themed soft toys, prosecco and mystery prizes.
Last modified: October 16, 2024