If Wallace’s A2 students approached their first externally assessed examinations since AQE with a degree of trepidation it only proves that stress can be good for you! An amazing 54% of all grades awarded to our final year students were at A* and A with former Deputy Head Girl Elektra Epanomeritakis achieving a superb five A* grades. Christina Wallace (success just goes with the name), Jack Clydesdale and Caetano Castro Thompson each gained four A* grades. Over one third of students achieved one or more grade at A*. Fifty seven Year 14 students (over a third of the year group) attained a minimum of three A grades whilst a further twenty one students had a minimum of two A grades. At AS level twelve students achieved four A grades whilst a further twenty five students attained a minimum of three A grades. Six departments celebrated all students passing at A*-B grades at A2 level and many departments reached a new record percentage (externally assessed) for the number of grades awarded at A and B at AS level.

Wallace’s Principal Mrs Deborah O’Hare commented:
“I am thrilled by the performance of our students at A2 and AS levels. Much has been said and written about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon our young people and in particular about the challenges for the Year 14 students of sitting externally marked examinations when they had such limited experience of public examinations. These outstanding grades pay tribute to the commitment, determination and resilience of the students and also reflect the resolute efforts of the staff to prepare them for the examination hall experience. I offer them my warmest congratulations. I am also delighted by the AS grades and look forward to seeing the students consolidate them next year. At Wallace we place a great deal of emphasis on helping each individual achieve their own particular potential so it gives me great pleasure to know that the vast majority of our students achieved their target grades and their chosen course at university. All the staff join me in wishing our leavers the happiest of futures.”
Last modified: August 24, 2022