Sport Welcome to the Sports News for The Wallace High School. You can keep up to date with fixtures and scores via the school Sport twitter account @wallacesport

Representative Sporting Honours

We are in the process of updating our Representative Sporting Honours Boards in school.  The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the provision of competitive sport in all...

Success in multiple fields!

Current Head Boy, Josh Kamalarajah, certainly deserves the title Renaissance Man as his talents are many and varied! Academic and sporting success coupled with acting and singing...

Celebrating Sporting Success @Wallace

It is a source of great pride to the school that so many of our students show such commitment to, and enthusiasm for,  school sport with hundreds of students arriving at...

Wallace triumph in Netball NI Finals!

Wallace demonstrated that they are a force to be reckoned with in the world of Northern Ireland schools’ sport when they contested five finals in the Northern Ireland netball...

The gloves are on as Paige bids for title glory

(This is the first of a series of article Girls & Sport showcasing the achievements of Wallace girls in a range of sporting activities. Paige is travelling to Sweden in early...

Wallace thrilled to engrave its name on new trophy

To the delight of a huge Wallace crowd our under 16 team became the second winners of the Danske Bank Schools’ U16 Cup, triumphing 12-0 over Campbell College, Belfast at the...

Hockey Triumph in Dowdall Cup

As a school we pride ourselves on the fact that our boys are proudly competitive and highly successful in both hockey and rugby which is no mean feat in a co-educational school of...

#MadeInWallace Nathan Doak

Former pupil Nathan Doak is currently “living the dream” (to quote Mr Armstrong’s favourite phrase) of every school boy rugby player as he has successfully transitioned to...

Wallace Day 2020 Workout!

Winter warm-up! Bend and stretch for Christmas! The last day of term has been transformed into a series of activities to be enjoyed from the seclusion of living rooms where some...

Schools’ Cup Celebration

Nine months after the devastating announcement by the Schools’ Branch of Ulster Rugby that the hugely anticipated final between Wallace and Royal School Armagh was not to be...