
Past Pupil Choir

Ten former Wallace High School students gathered at the Clonevin Park School this week for the inaugural meeting of the Past Choristers’ Society. Former Head boy, Gareth...

MIA Big Fish Experience

Wallace High School Moving Image Arts students this week had the unique opportunity of working with an award winning author and script writer this week. The class enjoyed an hour...

Wallace at E-Learning Frontier

 Wallace High School Sixth Year students have been working at the forefront of technological innovation, in partnership with ICT leaders Microsoft. As part of an exciting pilot...

Students Meet Dr Paisley

 Wallace High School Government and Politics students recently had the opportunity of a  lifetime when they visited The Northern Ireland Assembly on the historic occasion of Dr...

Internet Safety Night

The Wallace High School recently held an internet safety evening for parents of both its Prep Department and Grammar school. The innovative event was organised by the school’s...

Hot Streak Scoop Awards

Wallace High School’s Young Enterprise Company “Hot Streak” scooped two awards at the Ballymena Trade Fair last week. The twenty strong company wowed the judges with their...