It has been an enjoyable half-term in the English and Drama Departments, with a wide range of curricular and super-curricular activities on offer.
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Creative writing continues to flourish, with the annual spooky workshop being enjoyed by KS3 students. Mrs Moor explained:

“I was delighted to see so many enthusiastic new members join the Creative Writing Club and was thrilled with the standard of entries submitted to the competition. Congratulations go to John in Year 9 for his winning poetry entry and Eve in Year 8 for her short story—I hope everyone will enjoy reading extracts from their work.”
Their work can be viewed at the end of this article.

Members of the Club are looking forward to their trip to the Heaney HomePlace in November. This trip is funded by Ulster University, following Year 10 student Liv’s success in the National Poetry competition.
Key Stage 4 and 5 students have been working hard perfecting their public speaking, with Year 13 pupils Lauren and Eden impressing at the Edgar Graham Memorial competition held in Parliament Buildings this week.

Head of Department, Gillian Weir, commented:
“The girls spoke with such maturity and insight on the controversial topics of slavery and the legacy of history. Having the opportunity to speak in the Senate Chamber will undoubtedly remain a highlight of their school careers, and I would like to thank their parents for supporting their endeavours. We are currently preparing teams for a range of public speaking competitions, and I am always impressed by our students’ ability to manage time effectively and reflect so powerfully as world citizens.”
A-Level students have been busy preparing for the Bar Mock competition, to be held in Belfast in late November, under the tutelage of Mrs McClenaghan and Mr Carder. We are very grateful for the ongoing support offered by past pupil Thomas Stewart, a barrister, who gives his time so generously to promote our students’ understanding of law.
Head of Department, Gillian Weir, commented:
“The strength of the Wallace family is remarkable. I am looking forward to welcoming back so many of our past students to our Careers Fair in November. It will be wonderful for our current students to hear about the diverse careers followed by pupils who studied A-Level English Literature. From sports journalism to law, medicine to PR, it will be incredibly enriching to share in our former students’ successes.”
Senior students have been meeting regularly for a popular Book Club, organised by Mrs Harrison, while our Literacy Mentors act as superb role models for junior students.

Drama has also flourished this term, with Year 8 students enjoying delivering witty monologue performances, and the ever-popular Junior Club being full of fun and friendship. Year 8 students Dan and Sam have submitted entries to the National Library of Ireland’s “Poetry Aloud” competition, and the KS3 students, along with their mentors Clarice and Lauren and teachers Mrs Richardson and Mrs Moor, are looking forward to their trip to Belfast’s Lyric Theatre to see a modern adaptation of A Christmas Carol.

Mrs Rogers has launched GCSE Drama, with Year 11 students eagerly awaiting their upcoming workshop from Bruiser Theatre and enjoying their study of Blood Brothers. Plans are afoot for another amazing “Night at the Musicals” in Term 2, which will showcase the many talents of our students.
Year 8 students are taking part in a dynamic collaboration organised by the British Council, which pairs them with the Dosti Foundation in Mumbai.

Gillian Weir concluded:
“From literature to festivals, daily routine to hobbies, our students have embraced this project wholeheartedly, and we are looking forward to deepening links in the coming months. The ability to share experiences so seamlessly with students across the world is a testament to our students’ open minds and technical abilities.”
‘It’s Coming!’ by Eve, Year 8
A man was walking through the woods one day at dusk with his dog, he was throwing the ball, and all seemed fine. He liked going for a walk in the woods or a hike up mountains as it helped him relax and escape from all his troubles but tonight his list of troubles might just grow.
This time he threw the ball extra far and shouted, “try catch that Benji!” he laughed to himself as he watched Benji rocket after it. He just continued walking knowing Benji would catch up. Darkness swept in like a wave in the ocean looming over the woods. The man couldn’t see a thing, he tried to find shelter but there was none to be found.
After walking for about three hours, he felt exhausted and tripped over something large, falling face first into a pile of mud. When he stood up, he saw a lit-up phone lying beside an unconscious figure, it was a woman. On her phone were the words “IT’S COMING RUN!” He felt his heart thump like a drum, he then felt his back pocket buzz and those same words flashed across his phone like lightning. He felt petrified, he tried to drag himself forward as to run away but he found himself ridged, unable to move.
He saw a massive figure with glowing green eyes tower above him he sprinted as fast as he could, but the monstrous figure seemed to disappear. He was completely out of breath and leaned against a tree, he heard a rustle in the leaves, he turned around slowly and saw it staring down at him.
With one giant slash of the monster’s claws all went dark.
The monster disappeared into the dark gloom to find its next victim…
All Hallow’s Eve by John, Year 9
This is the tale of All Hallow’s Eve
When all the dark things hard to conceive
Rise and stir and can cause a fright.
And if you are wise, don’t go out tonight!
Maybe, if you want to misbehave,
Or foolishly are feeling brave.
Then go down into the gloomy cave,
And find the creatures that rose from the grave.
If you don’t want to act a fool
Stay away from those named ghoul.
I’ve heard they can be quite cruel.
And they keep their lair full of drool.
Keep up to date with everything that is happening in English and Drama via:
You can also find out more below about their success last year:
Last modified: November 6, 2024