As the school year draws to a close and Project Based Learning begins, Year 8 enjoyed a fun prelude to PBL fortnight. Thanks to the generosity of the PTA and school who co-funded...
For sisters Andrea Harrower and Cathy Booth a 450 mile cycle ride over a single weekend looked to onlookers quite astonishingly easy! Accompanied by a significant phalanx of...
Sometimes you don’t have to know someone for very long for them to make a huge impact on you. That’s how it was with Paddy Harrower and Davy McCreanor who joined Wallace’s...
As generations of Wallace pupils know, the school has a long-standing commitment to the Cancer Fund for Children. From Readathon, to Colour Run, Mud Run, magic show, a social and...
Current Head Boy, Josh Kamalarajah, certainly deserves the title Renaissance Man as his talents are many and varied! Academic and sporting success coupled with acting and singing...
This academic year at Wallace we have been working on the development and provision of Enterprise Education for all students. Enterprise Education involves the development...
Some single names inspire a generation. Elvis. Kylie. Beyoncé. Greta. August 2018 saw Greta Thunberg sitting down alone outside the Swedish parliament building with a...
Forty of our Year 9-11 German students recently enjoyed an action- packed five day long trip to Germany’s historic capital city. As well as immersing themselves in German...
It is a source of great pride to the school that so many of our students show such commitment to, and enthusiasm for, school sport with hundreds of students arriving at...
It’s almost 9,000 km from Lisburn to Brazil but for one Wallace former pupil Brazil has been home for almost twenty years. Naomi Keefe, who was a classmate of Vice-Principal...