ddsimpson Author

Sophie is Soroptomists’ top speaker

What do you do in a pandemic when all opportunity to play your favourite sport disappears? Some people might disappear under their duvets or at the very least slack on their...

World Book Day

Ever had to create a World Book Day costume? Ever bought one? Ever thought that it was more about dressing up than reading? Well, in 2021 it’s all about the books! World Book...

Compassion in a pandemic

It is one of the greatest tragedies of the pandemic that charities, working alongside the needy and vulnerable, have been amongst those hit hardest. Major fundraising events have...

Wallace Women- Samara Prentice

Samara Prentice (Briggs to her school friends) is an excellent example of the agility and resilience we hope to foster in our students. Many of our current students are likely to...

Wallace Women- Hilary Woods

Hilary is currently the Principal of Belfast Royal Academy, having previously served with distinction as Principal of Antrim Grammar School, Acting Principal and permanent...

Wallace Women- Angela Bennett

Angela Bennett is a current member of Wallace’s Board of Governors, proud mother of two Wallace girls and Joint Managing Director of Diamond, a company providing Intelligent...

Wallace Women- Elizabeth Huddleson

Continuing with our series Wallace Women we introduce Elizabeth Huddleson, current Principal of Bangor Grammar school where, in her own words, she is “mother” to nine hundred...

Wallace Women- Denise Watson

Denise Watson is a well-known local radio and TV presenter and a current member of Wallace’s Board of Governors. She attended Wallace in the 1980s and her daughter Samantha is...

Wallace Women- Sandra McCabe

We are pleased to introduce what will be a regular website feature. Wallace Women will be a series of profiles of former pupils of the school and will outline some of their life...

Why do you want to cook with Suzie Lee?

Lots of Year 8 wanted to do just that! Year 8 students hoping to win a highly coveted place at this very special event submitted a short paragraph judged by the staff of the...