ddsimpson Author

Wallace hosts first ever Spelling Bee Competition

French Spelling Bee The Wallace High School hosted its first ever “Spelling Bee” competition on Thursday 12th May . Year 10 students had been preparing for several...

Politics Society Update

Ben Sharkey wins Youth Parliament Election Year 13 student Ben Sharkey has been elected to the UK Youth Parliament as the representative for the Lagan Valley constituency. Ben was...

Wallace win UK World Wise Quiz

The Wallace High School World Wise team featuring Year 12 pupils Alice Crosby, Peter Scott and Ryan Simpson returned to Lisburn with the World Wise Challenge trophy, which they...

Mrs Hunter wins silver medal at Masters World Cup

Wallace High School teacher, Mrs Maggie Hunter, enjoyed a dream trip to Canberra, Australia over the recent Easter break where she captained the Irish over 50s hockey team in the...

Wallace host annual Sports Dinner

The Wallace High School hosted their annual Sports Awards ceremony last Thursday night in the Assembly Hall and were delighted to welcome back Jacob Stockdale, former pupil and...

Prep pupils perform “Annie” to packed hall

Pupils from The Wallace High School Preparatory Department performed their annual musical production, ‘Annie’ to a packed audience of family and friends on Wednesday 13th...

BentoLab Visits Wallace Biology Department

Wallace High School Biology students received a visit last week from BentoLab and spent an enjoyable few hours looking at the influence of DNA technology in everyday life. DNA...

Year 13 Politics Trip to London

The Wallace High School Year 13 Politics class (and teachers Mr Armstrong and Mr Elliott) visited London just before Easter and enjoyed an action packed and informative three day...

Wallace pupils say Hola to Barcelona

Barcelona Trip 2016 Forty two pupils and four staff from The Wallace High School returned from a thoroughly enjoyable educational tour to Barcelona at the start of the Easter...

Pupils take BBC News School Report

For BBC News School Report this week our Year Ten pupils developed, scripted interviewed and filmed a report on our illustrious founder, Sir Richard Wallace and the impact he...