Admissions [Non Yr8]
Admissions into Years 9, 10, 11 from September annually
External applications may be admitted to Years 9, 10, 11 if there are places available in that year group and the school remains within its approved enrolment number.
Parents, who wish for their children to be placed on a waiting list, should apply to the school by completing the application form: Years 9-11 application form.
The Board of Governors delegates responsibility to the Senior Management Team of the school for the application of the criteria in respect of waiting lists and admission to Years 8, 9, 10 and 11. (Only in exceptional circumstances and where a place is available will an offer be made to a student for a place in Year 12.)
Criteria to be applied if a place becomes available:
The process to be followed to select down to the number of places available from the list of applicants.
* Applicants will have their Primary 7 to Year 8 Transfer Test categorised into bands (as published in the School’s Year 8 Admissions Policy). If there is more than one person in the highest band, then the following further steps will be taken:
Those in the highest band will be invited to come to school and complete an academic test. The candidate whose performance ranks the highest will be offered the place, ahead of the other candidates with a lower performance.
If 2 or more applicants achieve the same score, then priority will be given as follows:
- An applicant who has a sibling currently attending The Wallace High School’s grammar school.
- An applicant who is the elder/eldest in their family or who is the first child of the family to transfer to a mainstream school or who is the only child of the family.
The school will request verification from parents of how their children meet the above criteria.
* In respect of any applicant who did not sit a Primary 7 Northern Ireland transfer test who resided in NI in Primary 7 at that time, or for any applicant who is moving into NI and seeking a school place in Years 9-11, then they will be asked to sit a standardised test and an equivalent transfer test band will be assigned.
Admission to Sixth Form
The Sixth Form entry policy is approved by the Board of Governors and implemented by the Principal and senior staff. It is reviewed on an annual basis and students are required to fulfil criteria for transfer into L6 and into U6.