music Search Results

Radio Ulster Choir of the Year

On Friday 5th February, The Wallace High School’s Capella took part in the BBC Radio Ulster ‘School Choir of the Year’ competition at the Guildhall in...

Large numbers at Open Morning

The Wallace High School opened its doors to a large crowd last Saturday as hundreds of prospective pupils from local Primary schools and their parents came to see what the Lisburn...

Wallace Pupils Visit Rome

A group from Wallace High School recently visited the beautiful city of Rome on a pre – half term trip to one of Europe’s top destinations. It was an early start to the...

Wallace Senior Prize Giving

The Wallace High School welcomed former pupil Dr Joanne Stuart and record numbers of last years upper sixth pupils back last Friday to celebrate the annual Senior Prize Giving....

Junior Prize Giving 2015

The Wallace High School were delighted to welcome ex pupil Ms Janet Williamson, a partner/director in top local law firm, O’Reilly Stewart Solicitors, back to school last...

A Very Happy Group of Upper Sixth Students!

Students in Upper Sixth in Wallace are celebrating very pleasing A Level and AS results this year. At A Level 90% of the grades were at A*, A , B and C. Importantly at this stage...

Celebrating Creativity

On Monday 8th June The Wallace High School hosted a very enjoyable event which saw the Art and Design, Moving Image Arts and Music departments come together for an afternoon to...

Junior Concert

The Wallace High School recently hosted their annual junior school concert which was held in the Assembly Hall last Tuesday night. As ever, a large crowd gathered to see and hear...

So long farewell

“So long farewell” , from The Sound of Music, might have proved just too poignant for year 14 students Josh Brown and Zoe Jackson the leads of the school’s acclaimed...

Norwegian Delegates Visit Wallace

On Tuesday 28th April, The Wallace High School staff and pupils welcomed a group of twenty visiting Norwegian teachers to the school.  The visit had been requested by the...