Congratulations to Max (Year 10) on reaching the final three in the ReelLIFE SCIENCE @ HOME video competition run by NUI Galway and Science Foundation Ireland.
The programme is intended to encourage young people to think about the science and technology in their everyday lives in a creative way, while learning some new communication and digital skills at the same time.

While practising social distancing, students were asked to produce a one minute science video to engage and educate the public. Students of all ages from all across Ireland were asked to make a short science video and there were over 133 videos submitted, representing 80 primary schools, secondary schools and youth groups in 23 counties, North and South. Normally this project would have run with students in school and able to collaborate easily but this year, obviously, conditions have been very different both for the entrants and the judges.
That so many young people were able to produce such excellent work during times that so many of us have found to be challenging should offer us all encouragement for the future, both short and long term.
Max’s video is now available to view on YouTube here
The winning video is to be decided by a public vote via Twitter. You can view the top three entries and vote for your favourite.
When the poll above expires (it should have been one week long, rather than one day long), you can use this one to continue voting for these awesome videos. Votes will be combined from both polls to find our ‘ReelLIFE SCIENCE @ HOME’ winner for 2020.
— ReelLIFE SCIENCE @ HOME (@ReelLifeScience) June 19, 2020
Please share and retweet this as much as you can and let’s publicise the wonderful efforts of these young people.
Let’s see if we can get Max as many votes as possible for his excellent video on “A Kitchen Demonstration Of Blood Clotting”
Last modified: December 10, 2020